


Base class for Gait feature extraction and Gait detection configurations, based on the IMU data (accelerometer, gyroscope).


Base class for Gait feature extraction and Gait detection configurations, based on the IMU data (accelerometer, gyroscope).


Base class for Gait feature extraction and Gait detection configurations, based on the IMU data (accelerometer, gyroscope).


Base class for Gait feature extraction and Gait detection configurations, based on the IMU data (accelerometer, gyroscope).


Base class for Gait feature extraction and Gait detection configurations, based on the IMU data (accelerometer, gyroscope).


Base class for Gait feature extraction and Gait detection configurations, based on the IMU data (accelerometer, gyroscope).

Module Contents

class paradigma.gait_analysis_config.IMUConfig[source]

Base class for Gait feature extraction and Gait detection configurations, based on the IMU data (accelerometer, gyroscope).

l_accelerometer_cols: List[str]
l_gyroscope_cols: List[str]
l_gravity_cols: List[str]
set_sensor(sensor: str) None[source]

Sets the sensor and derived filenames

set_filenames(prefix: str) None[source]

Sets the filenames based on the prefix,


prefix (str) – The prefix for the filenames.

set_filenames_values(prefix: str) None[source]

Sets the filenames based on the prefix,


prefix (str) – The prefix for the filenames.

class paradigma.gait_analysis_config.GaitFeatureExtractionConfig[source]

Bases: IMUConfig

Base class for Gait feature extraction and Gait detection configurations, based on the IMU data (accelerometer, gyroscope).

window_type: str = 'hann'
verbose: int = 0
window_length_s: int = 6
window_step_size_s: int = 1
cc_low_frequency: int = 0
cc_high_frequency: int = 25
n_dct_filters_cc: int = 20
n_coefficients_cc: int = 12
d_frequency_bandwidths: Dict[str, List[float]]
l_window_level_cols: List[str] = ['id', 'window_nr', 'window_start', 'window_end']
l_data_point_level_cols: List[str]
d_channels_values: Dict[str, str]
set_sampling_frequency(sampling_frequency: int) None[source]

Sets the sampling frequency and derived variables

class paradigma.gait_analysis_config.GaitDetectionConfig[source]

Bases: IMUConfig

Base class for Gait feature extraction and Gait detection configurations, based on the IMU data (accelerometer, gyroscope).

classifier_file_name = 'gd_classifier.pkl'
thresholds_file_name = 'gd_threshold.txt'
class paradigma.gait_analysis_config.ArmSwingFeatureExtractionConfig[source]

Bases: IMUConfig

Base class for Gait feature extraction and Gait detection configurations, based on the IMU data (accelerometer, gyroscope).

initialize_window_length_fields(window_length_s: int) None[source]
initialize_sampling_frequency_fields(sampling_frequency: int) None[source]
initialize_column_names() None[source]
sensor = 'IMU'
units = 'degrees'
window_type = 'hann'
class paradigma.gait_analysis_config.ArmSwingDetectionConfig[source]

Bases: IMUConfig

Base class for Gait feature extraction and Gait detection configurations, based on the IMU data (accelerometer, gyroscope).

classifier_file_name = 'asd_classifier.pkl'
class paradigma.gait_analysis_config.ArmSwingQuantificationConfig[source]

Bases: IMUConfig

Base class for Gait feature extraction and Gait detection configurations, based on the IMU data (accelerometer, gyroscope).

window_length_s = 3
window_step_size = 0.75
segment_gap_s = 3
min_segment_length_s = 3