TSDF metadata fields

TSDF metadata is represented as a dictionary (or a JSON object). In this section, we will list the fields within the TSDF format, as described in the format specification. In addition to the mandatory fields, any custom fields and structures can be added.

TSDF v0.1 mandatory fields

Field Type Description
study_id str Unique identifier for the particular study.
device_id str Specifies the device used for data collection.
subject_id str Unique identifier for the subject or participant in the study.
source_file_name str Name of the original source file containing the data.
endianness str Byte order for numerical values in binary data ("big" or "little").
metadata_version str Version information for the metadata.
start_iso8601 str ISO 8601 time stamp for the start of the recording, with ms precision.
end_iso8601 str Same as start_iso8601, but for the end of the recording.
file_name str The name of the file in consideration, e.g., "eeee.bin".
channels str[] Labels for each data channel (e.g.: [time] for time data or [X, Y, Z] for 3D accelerometry).
time_encode str Encoding type for time, e.g., "difference".
units str[] Units for each channel in the data, e.g., "ms" for milliseconds.
data_type str Number format of the measured data (e.g.: float).
bits int Bit-length of the number format (e.g., 32-bit).
rows int Number of rows in the data matrix.

Legacy fields

The following table lists the legacy fields from the time when the format was called TSDB, along with their updated counterparts:

Legacy field Updated field Updated data type
project_id study_id -
quantities channels str[]
units units str[]
datatype data_type -
start_datetime_iso8601 start_iso8601 -
end_datetime_iso8601 end_iso8601 -


As presented in the table above, the quantities and units fields are required to be arrays within the TSDF standard.